Foydalanuvchi Ismoiljon Abdurahimov | Masala 2 and 3 #1
# Foydalanuvchi Masala Til Holati Vaqt Xotira Yuborilgan vaqt
6097609 Ismoiljon Abdurahimov 2 and 3 #1 python3 Wrong answer (test 1) 3 ms 128 KB 11.11.2024 12:23
6090167 Ismoiljon Abdurahimov 2 and 3 #1 python3 Wrong answer (test 1) 3 ms 360 KB 11.11.2024 08:31
6090164 Ismoiljon Abdurahimov 2 and 3 #1 python3 Wrong answer (test 1) 30 ms 192 KB 11.11.2024 08:30
6090162 Ismoiljon Abdurahimov 2 and 3 #1 python3 Wrong answer (test 1) 5 ms 388 KB 11.11.2024 08:30