Foydalanuvchi Quvonchbek Umurzoqov | Masala Nuqta and undoshlar
# Foydalanuvchi Masala Til Holati Vaqt Xotira Yuborilgan vaqt
915259 Quvonchbek Umurzoqov Nuqta and undoshlar python3 Accepted 37 ms 806 KB 27.05.2022 18:00
915251 Quvonchbek Umurzoqov Nuqta and undoshlar python3 Wrong answer (test 2) 28 ms 806 KB 27.05.2022 17:59
915248 Quvonchbek Umurzoqov Nuqta and undoshlar python3 Wrong answer (test 2) 27 ms 714 KB 27.05.2022 17:58