Foydalanuvchi I'M NOT A KING | Masala Factorial and Gcd
# Foydalanuvchi Masala Til Holati Vaqt Xotira Yuborilgan vaqt
3491108 I'M NOT A KING Factorial and Gcd python3 Time limit (test 2) 1000 ms 3024 KB 11.01.2024 10:01
3491074 I'M NOT A KING Factorial and Gcd python3 Runtime error (test 1) 19 ms 636 KB 11.01.2024 09:54
3491066 I'M NOT A KING Factorial and Gcd python3 Runtime error (test 1) 24 ms 684 KB 11.01.2024 09:52
3491063 I'M NOT A KING Factorial and Gcd python3 Time limit (test 2) 1000 ms 2916 KB 11.01.2024 09:52
3491062 I'M NOT A KING Factorial and Gcd python3 Compilation error 0 ms 0 KB 11.01.2024 09:51