Foydalanuvchi Mamadjanov Bahrom
# Foydalanuvchi Masala Til Holati Vaqt Xotira Yuborilgan vaqt
4658646 Mamadjanov Bahrom Isfandiyor algebra darsida python3 Wrong answer (test 2) 24 ms 196 KB 09.03.2024 14:30
4658644 Mamadjanov Bahrom Isfandiyor algebra darsida python3 Runtime error (test 1) 15 ms 308 KB 09.03.2024 14:29
4658579 Mamadjanov Bahrom Minimum va maksimum yig'indi python3 Runtime error (test 1) 17 ms 420 KB 09.03.2024 14:21
4586995 Mamadjanov Bahrom Tarozi №1 python3 Wrong answer (test 1) 19 ms 84 KB 03.03.2024 17:11
4586821 Mamadjanov Bahrom EKUK python3 Wrong answer (test 1) 22 ms 0 KB 03.03.2024 17:03
4586808 Mamadjanov Bahrom EKUK python3 Wrong answer (test 1) 25 ms 0 KB 03.03.2024 17:02
4586718 Mamadjanov Bahrom Baho python3 Accepted 62 ms 256 KB 03.03.2024 16:58
4586037 Mamadjanov Bahrom Factorial python3 Wrong answer (test 1) 21 ms 320 KB 03.03.2024 16:20
4586030 Mamadjanov Bahrom Factorial python3 Wrong answer (test 3) 23 ms 380 KB 03.03.2024 16:20
4585949 Mamadjanov Bahrom AND and AND python3 Wrong answer (test 2) 23 ms 160 KB 03.03.2024 16:16
4585875 Mamadjanov Bahrom Toshlar o’yini python3 Accepted 86 ms 256 KB 03.03.2024 16:13
4585759 Mamadjanov Bahrom Bayram torti python3 Wrong answer (test 4) 24 ms 256 KB 03.03.2024 16:08
4585758 Mamadjanov Bahrom Bayram torti python3 Wrong answer (test 2) 22 ms 196 KB 03.03.2024 16:07
4585715 Mamadjanov Bahrom Bayram torti python3 Wrong answer (test 4) 49 ms 100 KB 03.03.2024 16:05
4585607 Mamadjanov Bahrom Diagonallar soni python3 Wrong answer (test 21) 77 ms 264 KB 03.03.2024 16:00
4585567 Mamadjanov Bahrom Diagonallar soni python3 Wrong answer (test 1) 22 ms 16 KB 03.03.2024 15:58
4585467 Mamadjanov Bahrom Diagonallar soni python3 Wrong answer (test 21) 49 ms 256 KB 03.03.2024 15:55
4584477 Mamadjanov Bahrom Vaqtlar oralig'i python3 Accepted 48 ms 260 KB 03.03.2024 15:16
4583635 Mamadjanov Bahrom Dasturchilar kuni python3 Presentation error (test 2) 52 ms 260 KB 03.03.2024 14:47
4583620 Mamadjanov Bahrom Dasturchilar kuni python3 Wrong answer (test 1) 22 ms 0 KB 03.03.2024 14:46